Aperta la call for abstract per la European Conference on Social Work Education 2025

Aperta la call for abstract per la European Conference on Social Work Education 2025

The European Association of Schools of Social Work and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (Department of Social Sciences) are proud to announce the European Conference of Social Work Education 2025.

  • Dates   23 June 2025: Pre-Conference – 24 to 26 June 2025: Conference
  • Location   Salzburg University of Applied Sciences – Campus Urstein, Salzburg Süd 1, 5412 Puch/Salzburg
  • Website   www.ecswe2025-salzburg.eu

Call for abstracts

You are invited to register and submit your contribution to the conference with the central theme on “Social Connectedness”.

  • Deadline for submission of abstract: 1 November 2024
  • Abstract decision: 31 January 2025
  • Contact for submission: ecswe2025@fh-salzburg.ac.at
  • In case of questions, please contact us: ecswe2025@fh-salzburg.ac.at

Conference theme “Social Connectedness”

It is the aim of the conference to investigate the ways in which Social Work Education (SWE) can foster social connectedness as an important pillar for an inclusive, democratic, healthy and (socially) sustainable society. SW educators, researchers, students, service users, activists and practitioners are invited to elaborate on how SWE can (critically) address and/or promote social connectedness. We encourage collaborative, innovative, creative, and proactive approaches to developing social work curricula, including ethics and values, theories, models and interventions, addressing the main theme and/or one of the following five subthemes (you may find more details on our website).

  1. Connectedness in politics and democracy
  2. Social connectedness as a social mental and physical health issue
  3. Connectedness in ecology and sustainability
  4. Connectedness across social and cultural divides
  5. Digital connectedness and (new) technologies

As connectedness appears to be an indisputably positive aspect of social life, it also needs to be scrutinised critically. All contributors are invited to reflect on the topic, e.g. the “legitimacy” of being socially “disconnected”, especially against the backdrop of neoliberal dominant discourses, reinforced by modern technologies, propagating the regime of permanent “connection”. The following questions may help to serve as a prompt and catalyst for your thinking in this area:

  • What does “being socially disconnected” at the individual and collective level signify for democratic organising, social life and social work?
  • What are the challenges for (radical and emancipatory) social workers that seek to address social connectedness without becoming agents of dominant discourses and power relations?
  • What risks and negative effects may be caused by the globalised and universalised idea of social connectedness?

We look forward to getting connected and meet you in Salzburg as a participant and contributor!

With kindest regards,

Martin Lu Kolbinger, Doris Rosenlechner-Urbanek, Markus Pausch, Mariusz Granosik, Zuzana Poklembova and Richard Ingram for the Scientific Committee